What Once Was

 What Once Was - Ashley Brion

This book was amazing. It was heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once. 
Ashley did a fantastic job telling this story.
I love how Selene and Skye's relationship feels so down-to-earth and real.
I won't give any spoilers here but the book is incredible and well worth the read. 
I can't wait to read more books from this author as she has quickly become one of my favorites. 
Add it to your good reads list so you don't forget to read it! 

You can pick up a copy here
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Connect with the Author.

This is currently only available on kindle but keep your eyes peeled for Ashley's updates!

My Rating - 4/5 Stars 

This book was enthralling I enjoyed reading it from start to finish. It’s a simple novella that keeps you interested from page one. I enjoyed the character development and the realism of the book. It’s easy to follow and in a down-to-earth setting that made you want to just keep turning the page to see what happened next. I completed this in one day which was super fun because it means I didn’t forget any parts of the story. The writing made you really able to picture things.

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