Vital Struggle and the Devil's Dominion


Vital Struggle and the Devil's Dominion - 

Christina B. Rose

Synopsis - 

Mara: I always feel him. He follows me everywhere I go. It’s not in my head, either - I know he’s always there. His presence is as disconcerting physically as it is mentally, just as it always has been. But I don’t have time to worry about him. The possibility for a future I’ve always dreamed of feels like it’s right at my fingertips.
The only problem now is that I’m not sure I want that future anymore. I’m not sure what I want at all.
Cas: I’m not built for this. She’s always been my obsession - my only vice. So I watch her. Even as I solidify my alliances, I’m plagued with thoughts of her. I need to bend her and push her. I can make her understand, I’m certain. She’s mine, and she knows it. We both know it.
But I can wait. I know she wants to make the decision. I just hope she doesn’t make the wrong one.

My Rating 5/5 -

Christina has done it once again! I am OBSESSED with Cas. The way this book was had me all up in my feels and I actually talked out loud to my book a few times! If you like mafia guys and dark romance then this is for you. I would highly recommend reading book one and catching up because this is by far my favorite series of 2024 so far.

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