Sword And Mirror The Hindsight Saga Book 1

 Sword And Mirror - The Hindsight Saga Book 1

- Melissa McGehee

Synopsis - 

Moray is a mischievous nine-year-old on the verge of a remarkable change. In a world of magic users, power awakens in children upon their tenth birthday, but Moray’s ascension is complicated by her position as heir to the realm. Whatever facet of magic might develop in her will impact the strength and health of all Velis. When her ascension reveals an unknown power, she must set out on an adventure with her protector and lifelong friend Eclipse to understand herself, her magic, and the truth of the kingdom that she will one day rule.

My Rating 5/5 Stars 

What a great read! Perfect for kids and has such a wonderful storyline. Real life entered this book so many times but it is a fantasy read. I think this is a great read for any and all ages and is also a relatable book. I very much enjoyed being able to read this and felt like I got to know everyone in the story and their world!

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