Idle Hands The Devil's Dominion Mafia Series

 Idle Hands The Devil's Dominion 

Christina B. Rose

Synopsis - 

Cas: She killed my brother. At least, that is what I have believed for the months I followed her, learning her habits, likes, and dislikes. The moment I’m about to pull the trigger is not the time to second-guess myself. In my line of work, I don’t have the luxury to wonder about guilt or innocence. The fact is, I’ve been paid to do a job. Mercenaries don’t get to pick and choose who they put down. I’m one of the best, and my reputation is on the line. She may or may not have killed my brother, but she’s certainly not innocent, with the things she’s done.

There’s just one problem… she’s so different behind the scenes than the person she plays in public. I’m curious about a target for the first time. As much as I hate everything she stands for, I hate the idea of letting her go without getting what I want from her even more.

Mara: Rich, powerful, beautiful – part of the elite. Everyone thinks I love this life - the role I’m forced to play. But they’re wrong. I don’t want much – freedom? A sense of purpose? I’m not even sure I know. But I’m certain of one thing: I’m tired of playing this role. I’m tired of this game.

Unfortunately, the game doesn’t want let me go. There’s a lot of danger out there, and I’m in no position to refuse protection. I’m forced to comply with a hulking, cranky stranger. I suppose when he isn’t being so hateful, it isn’t the worst way to spend my time. I can’t pretend he isn’t gorgeous, or that I don’t find some strange thrill in his acrimonious demeanor. But there’s so much more that I want, as well. I want to break out of this life. I want to save myself and be free.

Idle Hands and the Devil's Dominion is a dark mafia romance with many elements and themes that may be triggering for some readers. Please check the author's content advisory in the Author's Note before reading.

Idle Hands and the Devil’s Dominion is book one of the four part Devil's Dominion series. This book ends on a somewhat prominent cliffhanger with many unanswered questions, however there is an expedited timeline for the second book! The pre-order for the second book is already available!

My Rating 4/5

I am fairly new to the mafia genre but this book is amazing. Mara is by far my favorite twist in this so far and meeting cas and perfection! The twists of this book and ending leave you needing more with every moment. The cliffhanger has me needing more! Book two is locked and loaded

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