The Sins Of Snow

The Sins of Snow - Morgana Blood - Moon

A young raven-haired girl was rendered fatherless, left to live with her jealous stepmother. Their life was beautiful together until Snow White grew into a young woman. When the Queen noticed Snow White's beauty, jealousy and rage consumed her, causing her to do crazy things. After being locked in a cell by the Evil Queen, Snow White was set free. Thinking her life was her own again, she ran off into the forest outside of Sapphire City. On her stroll in flower-filled fields, she was attacked by the huntsman, whose heart was too big to carry out his task. She ran further off and found a cottage where she met the seven dwarves; Snow White must prove herself to gain the dwarves' trust. Only then will she be able to carry out her revenge.

My Review - 4/5 Stars 

This is a short sweet and spicy little retelling. I really enjoyed the writing style and spicy bits. There were twists and turns that I didn't expect. This was a great little book to read and I was able to get through it in a couple of hours so it will for sure be one I re-read again.

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