The Feeler: A Cozy Sci-Fi Mystery: Askovian Series (Book 1)

The Feeler: A Cozy Sci-Fi Mystery:
 Askovian Series (Book 1) 
Kathrine Okla

Synopsis - 

Cora, like her family members, is a feeler who can sense other people’s emotions even when they're trying to hide them.

For the first time, she feels free because her sister who passed nearly a year ago, can't use her abilities against her any longer. Now Cora has a new kind and loving family, including her sister's husband and her favorite aunt.

Unfortunately, her happiness is threatened. Her sister's husband pressures Cora to help him launch an investigation into his wife's death. Her cousin, who also used to torment her, is encouraging her favorite aunt to pressure her for more money.

Cora yearns for the quiet family life that formed after her sister's death. But now she's embroiled in a hunt through a series of shady suspects to find a killer who may not even exist.

My Rating 4/5 Stars

 This book was ups and downs and a world that was well dreamt up. There was depth to the story and there was definite character building. Cora is a fantastic creation of literacy that goes through so much in such a short time from those around her. All around a feel-good story with lots developed and an easy read.

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