ShoeBox Waltz

ShoeBox Waltz - Kathleen Patrick

Synopsis - 

Two women. A yacht in the Tyrrhenian Sea. One choice that changes everything.

Cora Daneli is a young woman looking for adventure.
Against a gorgeous backdrop of the coast of Italy, she begins a journey that takes her to places she never wanted to go. And she is not alone.

Written from multiple points of view, this gripping psychological novel stretches over several years, from villages in Europe to the Black Hills of South Dakota. Characters stories are woven together, taking the reader on an emotional ride, 
blurring the lines between reality and fiction, between dreams and nightmares, between that which could have happened, and that which did.

So, I won’t use my own name. I’ll tell you this entire story, and you’ll think I made it up. You’ll have to; it’s fiction. That’s how fiction works. I’ll write about that time when Cora Daneli was traveling around Europe with a friend she’d met in a youth hostel in Oxford. That was before the boat, but that’s my story, so I’ll start at the beginning.

My Rating -  4/5 Stars

The story of Cora is one that I will continue to remember for times to come. I was encapsulated by this story and found myself turning page after page. It follows her life and different periods and how things have affected her. I greatly appreciated this read and it was emotional and gripping.

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